Invite Monique
Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed for yourself?
When I turned 50 years old I asked myself this very question. The only truthful answer I could give was NO. That day was the beginning of what I call my ‘mid-life’ crisis. And sadly, most women will ask and answer this question the same way.
The demands we carry as women in the home, at work, and in our churches can place a heavy burden upon us. So heavy that we begin to exist simply to do. Run the errands, clean the house, attend business meetings, shop till we drop, fundraise for charity, and drive kids to their own busy days of dance lessons, soccer games, and play dates.
We are so busy with the busyness of life that we lose sight of who we are and why we exist often pushing aside all the desires of our own hearts to fulfill the desires of others.
Catholic Woman CEO help women address the very reason why we find ourselves in these situations of doing. Through inspiring talks, scripture reflections, lessons from heroines of past, music, film and some feminine fun we lead women to reflect on their own life journey; taking stock of where they are, listening to the voice of their heart, and leading them to believe once again that the life they have dreamed of can come true.
I am Catholic Woman CEO. You are, too!
~ Monique van Berkel
Hire Monique
Monique is available to speak at a variety of conferences, retreats and workshops.
Full Day Women’s Conference: AWAKEN – Lead with Your Feminine Heart
Topical presentations, Liturgy and/or Praise & Worship as available.
Weekend Retreats: ENCOUNTERING LOVE A Journey of Deeper Intimacy with God
Topical presentations, additional special evening presentation, Liturgy, Sacraments, Praise & Worship, Catholic Devotions and extended personal reflection time as available.
Monique is also available as a:
- Banquet/Special Event Keynote Speaker
- Seminar/Workshop Facilitator
- Conference Keynote or Breakout Presenter
- Retreat Team Presenter
Speaking Topics:
The Business of Healing after Hurt – One Woman’s Journey
Sometimes the very aspects of our femininity can be the cause of the deepest pain we can experience.
In this talk I share my own story of how the circumstances of my life impacted the way I saw myself as a woman and the choices I made to mask the torments of my heart.
The Business of Desire by Design – Heart 101
The stirrings of our hearts can be so intense that we begin to wonder what the heck this heart thing is all about. Why do we have such an intense emotional drive? Is it just to drive us crazy or is there something more profound?
This talk will explore the nature of desire, why we have it, and how we can live it out in our life that upholds our dignity as woman.
The Business of Feminine Strength – Releasing Ezer
Growing up I learned that strength, respect and success belonged to men and weakness, passivity, and lowliness was a woman’s place. My spirit resisted this female definition and so, wherever I could, I’d usurp masculine authority.
This talk introduces us to a biblical truth of God’s plan for woman and challenges us to rethink our understanding and amend learned behavior of living out feminine strength.
The Business of Guy Meets Girl – The Gift of Sexual Difference
In a world that challenges us to think that there is nothing different about the sexual difference this talk provides the foundational theological and biblical truth of our creation as male and female.
With this truth we will the know purpose of femininity and learn how to celebrate this within the freedom our hearts long for.
The Business of Suffering – Loving to the End
What happens when we see people around us suffer? Lash out? Question life? Push people away? Society sees suffering as a dead-end experience.
Instead of walking the journey of suffering society suggests the quick way out. Euthanasia. Assisted Suicide. What happened in my family’s experience completely convicted my heart that loving to the end, the natural end, is definitely God’s plan for life.
The Business of Surrendering All (Retreat weekends only)
When it comes to our faith life isn’t it good enough to just go to Mass on Sunday? After all, we’re so busy with work, kids, home life, and volunteer commitments who has time to spend more time with God.
Through this additional retreat experience we will learn more more about the depth of relationship that God desires to have with each one of us.